Parenting is for the Crows...or Not

  Last time baby Crow #3 made his appearance, and his mom promptly left him in a mud puddle.  Sim parenting at its finest.

  One would think she would get better...but she doesn't...

D:  Oh, I'm so embarrassed!  The Paparazzi are here to take my picture and I didn't even put make up on!!

  A: Mama!!  Me!!

P: I can see the headlines now!!  Daniela Crow, abandons daughter in a mud puddle!!  Daniela Crow, worst mother in Lucky Palms!  Daniela Crow...

 A:  Mama!!!  Me!!  Me!!!


  Joe is at work, of course, so Angel is stuck outside until her mother remembers she has a child outside. >.<

  A: Yummy!!

  A: *cries*  I hungy!!  Yummy!

  Dani meanwhile, is reading a book.  Woohoo in the Wastelands.  The Wastelands is where she is going to end up if she keeps putting the kids outside and leaving them!!!

  D: It's how I get my peace and quiet...


 S: *cries*  Want hugs Mama!

  Her social is in serious trouble.  Thankfully Joe comes back from work soon!

  Angel is drawn to her father's garden.  Hmmm, potential gardener...

  It's dark out and guess who remembers she has a child??

 D: Well, I wouldn't want Joe to think I'm a bad mother...

  Literally two sim minutes after she brings Angel inside, Joe gets home.

  Alrighty Joe, your kids are a wreck, time to get to work!

  J:  I just got back from working.  What's Dani doing??

  Reading or sleeping probably.  Go help your kids before the social worker is called!!!

  J: Dani, I'm not saying you're a terrible housekeeper or anything, but the house is a mess, the kids were a mess...

  D: You try staying home with 2 toddlers and a baby!!

  J: I'm just saying I really appreciate it when you pick up a little around the house.  The kids should come first of course...

  Really?  Just really???

  D: I need my quiet time.

  Joe didn't come home after work, found him outside of his work place, practicing the guitar.

  J: Home is a madhouse, I need to get better with the guitar if I'm ever going to become a Rockstar!!!

  Dani finally picks up Angel to bring her inside...

  And gets distracted by her birthday...

  She had 6 days of adult hood left when she joined the household.  Just enough time to pop out 3 kids.

  Gave her a makeover...

 D: *screeches*  I'm oooooolllllllddddddd!!!!!

  D: My wrinkles have wrinkles!!!

  J: Woohoo!  Happy Birthday honey!

 D: Come closer Joe, so I can smack you, and not in the nice way!!!

 J:  Huh, old age sure made you grouchy...

  D: ---

  Joe ignores Dani's frosty attitude and goes back to doing what he loves.

  The Paparazzi guy knows all because he watches a creeper.... O.o

  Savannah has a birthday.

  And instantly turns on her mother.

  S: You're a terrible mother!!  You left me alone all the time!

  D: Geez kid, settle down, I gave you a stuffed bear, what more do you want??

  Joe starts trolling his wife.

  This is where I notice that Joe has become best friends with Yolanda Shaw--who is still young enough to have kids.  Hmmm...

  Dani actually does something useful.

  Angel, she might be slightly disturbed, but who could blame her--her mother left her outside for hours and hours and hours...

  Savannah goes over to a friend's house after school.  Helmet boy, can't remember his name...

  S: I declare we shall marry some day, and rule this pitiful town...

  HB: *gulps*

 S: *stands*  And I further declare that all shall do my bidding, including my husband, or they shall be fed to the zombies!!!

  Joey has a birthday.

  Joe might have stayed after work to related stuffss...with his co-worker, Yolanda...

  Wardrobe change, and it's off to a 24 hr diner to feed the hunger bar.

  Yolanda owns some nice wheels.

  Hmmm, I think I spied with my little eye, one paparazzi guy...that could spell trouble...

  Joe gives Yolanda a tour of City Hall.  How did he get a key??  State secrets...

  I really want to see what their kids would look like---if I like the results, they'll join the household, otherwise they'll stay with their mother.

  This is how Joe ends the night.  *shakes head*

  Joey has super powers, he can stretch, like Mr. Fantastic...

  S: I'm starving!!!

  Hey, you're older than a toddler, go get some food!!!

  Well, I guess that works.

 D: I'm starving!!!

  Really?  You're the adult around here..go get something to eat!!!

  J: Hey wait, before you go eat something, I have to tell you, there may be rumors swirling around today, about me, but I swear they are not true.  *coughs*  Totally not true.

  D: Okay, I believe you.  Now get out of my way, I'm hungry!!!


  Did she really believe him??  Hmmm...

  Um yeah, points.  Let's see if I can remember my tally--cause my memory is awful.

 Unauthorized Object: -20
 Birth: +15
 Leaving toddler away from home: -15
 Eating a whole plate of spoiled food: -5
 Honor Roll: +10

  Total: -15

  As a side note, under the rules you aren't supposed to use the changing table at all--but my sims never ever look at it, let alone use it, I like it just for looks.  Also, I am ignoring the Baby Monitor rule, and keeping it even through toddler hood.  Every once in a blue moon, they do use it, but it is rare.


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