Eating Crow

  Last time, rumors were swirling about Joe, he told Dani all about it, and she seemed to accept what he said....

  She'll never win mother of the year award though.

  D: I'm old, and stressed out, and these kids are driving me crazy!!


  The Paparazzi guy tries to get the scoop from the babysitter.


  Angel has her birthday.


  She's the forerunner for heir...there's just something about her that I like...


  Must be the attitude. XD

  Another bed added.


  Both girls are very diligent with their homework.

  A: I'm going to be heiress, just you wait!!

  S:  I'm the firstborn, I should be picked!!


  Angel pulls out all the stops..

  She plays with her younger brother.


  She picks up after herself.


  Yep, she'll probably be heiress, unless I like the looks of the Yolanda kid.  I was just hoping for more of a mix of the two parents, Angel is essentially her father's clone, the other two are essentially clones of the mother.  Pffft.

  Dani freaks out.

  D: *screeches*  What's this about you seeing a younger prettier sim???  Huh??  What's that about???

  J: *stammers*  Dani, remember the other night when I...

  D: *screeches louder*  What?!  Are you saying I'm so old I can't remember anything now??  Huh??  Well, that's it!  We're over, through!!


  Awesome way to tank everyone's mood Dani, great job.  Autonomous break up--I don't see that happen very often! O.o

  JR: I hungwy!!!

  Better feed the kid Joe.

  J: My heart is forever broken!!  *sobs*

  Pull yourself together Joe, the kids need you!!!


  Joe goes a little crazy after his break up with Dani, and the ever faithful Paparazzi guy is there to record it all.


Dani has developed a habit.


  Angel, the Princess in training.

  A:  And when I am in charge, I decree that we shall all eat ice cream for dinner!!


  Bad Joe!!

  J: I'm depressed!!

  D : *smirks*

  S:  Nobody pays attention to me!!!  It's like I'm talking to myself!!!


J: *sobs*  I'm so sorry Dani!!  Please forgive me!!!

D:  There, there Joe, I might forgive you someday, when it snows in HELL!!!


S: Daddy, read me a story.

 A: No Daddy, read ME a story.  I'm the favorite!!

S: Nuh uh, go away you little pest.  Daddy, read me a story please???

A: Me Daddy, read me a story...

J: Uh...eeny meeny miney moe??

  After getting the girls to bed, Joe thinks it's a great idea to practice his guitar.  Where the girls can hear him. *face palm*


  I really need to add bedroom walls for the girls...if only they had the money... XD

  Win for Joey, he puts his potty skillz to use.


  He has his birthday.


   Joey is good about doing his homework too.


 Yolanda had twins--I can't even remember what they were named.  They were quite disappointing in the genetics--being perfect clones of their mother.  Ah well, looks like Angel is going to be the heiress.  Better luck next generation.

  A: I knew it.  I'm obviously the superior one.


    Those thoughts though!  This is why I like Angel the most...


  Homework party!!

  Savannah and Angel have stayed on the honor roll, and Joey joins them there.


  And we'll leave this update with this final picture of our future heiress.

  A:  I am Angel, hear me roar!!!


  And now the points thingy---not much difference--- a +5 for Joey's Honor Roll.  Woot!  Such wild numbers going on here...

 Unauthorized Object: -20
 Birth: +15
 Leaving toddler away from home: -15
 Eating a whole plate of spoiled food: -5
 Honor Roll: +15

  Total: -10


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